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2017 Goals

Sitting here trying to think of something to write about, I realize I am kind of in limbo. I haven't had a lot of new coffee experiences because of the craziness of the holidays and I don't have any grand plans for the future....wait a second...that's terrible. How can a business not have plans for the future? I need some goals.

Goal setting is one of the reasons I think mom/pop-shops don't do well. They either had a short term vision, reached it and went stale; or they had no goals so just did random things that never really pushed them in the right direction. In all honesty, I don't think goal setting for a business is much different than goal setting for a person. If you don't have goals, your just going to do random things that don't really help you get to a better place.

That being said, what are my goals for 2017?

Offerings - I need to establish myself still. Two months of selling coffee does not a roaster make. I am currently holding onto a goal of offering coffee once a month. I don't have an on line store and I don't do shipping, so I have keep roasting and delivering in batches. The consistency is what I really need establish. I have a saying, "Confidence comes from consistency." If I can offer coffee consistently, I will start to build confidence in my brand. I won't be just some random guy selling stuff. Once people have confidence in my brand, I hope they will start to share it with others.

Roaster - This is my top goal for 2017. I want to purchase a Behmor roaster. This will help me roast more coffee and it will automate the roasting (currently I have to stir the coffee the whole time it roasts). It will also allow me to get a better roast. I really like hot air roasting, but I don't have a lot of control over the variables. I control the start and stop time that's it. With the Behmor, I will be able to stretch the development stage and pull some more flavor out of my beans.

2nd Bag of Coffee - Once I purchased my new roaster, I will need to start looking at purchasing a second bag of coffee. If everything goes well, I will be be able to push my average price per bag closer to $7. This will allow me to get that second bag of coffee with a little bit of Mexican to spare. It would be a lot of fun to offer 2 types of coffee. If I have to put the coffee on sale too often, I won't be able to purchase a second coffee until the end of the Mexican, and won't be able to offer 2 types of coffee until about half way through the second bag. The main goal though, is to get that 2nd bag of coffee so I can sustain the business. 

Just a reminder to everyone, I am building my business debt free.

Those are my goals for 2017. Roast more. Roast Better. Keep Roasting.



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