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Results From My Social Media Promotion

I ran a social media discount at the gym this last weekend. I offered 20% to anyone who would post a picture and tag Muertos Coffee. Overall, it went really well...I did not get the results I expected, but I might have ended up with more.

Now that we have hit September, the heat is going to think about breaking. Once the temps start to decline, I expect whole bean coffee to incline. I really wanted to widen my net before that happens, hoping I will be able to sell some more whole bean in the fall/winter months. I only had 96 followers on Facebook, which is where I do the majority of my selling. So if I wanted to widen my net, I needed to increase my Facebook following. I thought that if more people shared my company, the more followers, or page likes, I would get...That is not what happened.

After 2 days of selling and discounts, I only added about 7 likes to my page. That was rather disappointing. Looking back on it, I never asked anyone to like the page. I just asked them to post a pick and tag me.

Lesson learned: make your promotions focused and ask for what you want. If you want FB likes, ask people to like your page.

One thing that happened, which I did not expect, is my social media presence increased tremendously. The owner of El Jefe gave me some advice and told me to re-post this pictures that were posted of me. Social media is often about volume. In stead of casting one large net every once in a while, you have to cast 1000 small nets constantly. Prior to doing this, my posts got about 110 views per post. Not very impressive. My first re-post got about 300 views, then 500 views, and my last post is up to about 1000 views. That's nuts!

So, I didn't get what I wanted out of the promotion (Facebook page likes), but I did get a valuable lesson on social media and saw immediate results from it. It also helped open me up to building better relationships with the people at the gym. I'm not very good at breaking the ice, so this helped me push through and talk to people that I may not have opened up to as much. It was a good stretch for me.

That is how life works sometimes. God laughs at man's plans, but he also provides. Sometimes we have to be open to learning lessons we did not set out to learn, accept things we did not expect to happen, and always do the best we can with what we got.

I posted on the gyms FB group to see if they liked the discount and if it's something I should offer all the time, or just do special promotions every once in a while. We'll see how that goes.


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