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Official Re-Branding Release


For all of my rabid readers...all 3 of you (I know who you are)...You have seen over the last few months that I have been working on re-branding. Well, the time has come.

Why I started Muertos Coffee

When my first baby girl was born, my own mortality punched me in the face. I was freak'n out about legacy and ensuring my daughters had a strong foundation to stand on. I don't want them to be afraid to chase their dreams, and in order to that, I'd have to lead by example. I also love Dia de los Muertos both culturally and artistically. It resonated with my desire for legacy, so I ran with it.

I still love this brand. I think it is good and I'm not just throwing it away. I'm keeping it in my back pocket for now. So, why change? Well, I found that it encompassed a part of me, but not the whole me and didn't align with some of the major aspects of the future coffee shop I want to own. I felt limited by the brand. Also, I had made some bad decisions. I got focused on cost and money and lost my brand identity. I could pivot the brand, but there is just too many reasons to re-brand.

The reveal of the new brand.....InkleDeux

Say it with me....inkle (like, "I have an inkling") and deux (French for 2, or Hotshots part Deux, if you're a 90's Charlie Sheen fan).....but it's all one word....InkleDeux.

Yes, it is a strange name. So, why did we choose it? Well, mainly it makes us laugh. It made us laugh, but then the more we thought about it the more we loved it. It hearkens to a group that inspires us, the Inklings. Which consisted of wonderful men such as CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien.

In case you hadn't noticed, I switched to the plural for InkleDeux. I am not flying solo anymore. Part of the re-branding is that I need someone with more experience with other craft beverages. My cousin, AJ is that person. I also need someone to bounce ideas around with and who isn't afraid to say an idea sucks, yup, that's him for sure.

What does it all mean?

Well, re-branding is going to have a couple of stages.

Stage 1 (now): Content creation will be moved to InkleDeux effective 6/30.

The Muertos Coffee Instagram will be converted to InkleDeux. Blog posts will be done on (I will probably transfer some of this content over there, mainly the coffee shop reviews). We are also starting a podcast to build the community, if you care to hear our first test recording, it's on the website. We are hoping to be releasing bi-weekly by the end of July.

Stage 2 (end of year): Transfer coffee to InkleDeux brand.

So, for now, if you need coffee, still hit me on the Muertos Coffee Facebook page or website. You can always let me know through InkleDeux too, but it will be sold and branded as Muertos until we transition. The reason for the delay is cost and time. We are going to be doing different coffee bags, new labels, higher quality beans, and overall lifting the bar above Muertos Coffee. We have a lot of work to do to ensure we don't make the same mistakes I made previously...we want to make bigger and more glorious mistakes.

So, with that, go visit the new website (, subscribe to the blog post, and join the conversations.


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