I may have to partially drink my words. I have previously
written that "coffee machines" almost invariably produce a poor cup
of coffee. I will be clinging to the "almost" part of that statement
to feel better about my reputation...
Here is where Craigslist earned my love. Thanks to
Craigslist, I recently scored a Bunn Thermobrew BTX with a thermal carafe.
This machine is in the same league as the Bonavia
and the class leader: the Technovorm. Of the three, the Bunn is the least
expensive, coming in at a measly $170. I scored one at $20, plus some driving
and poor coordination with the seller. For a cheapo like me, the time and
effort were well worth it.

The Bunn completes a pot in 3-4 minutes, which means that
the bitter components of coffee are mostly left behind. This fast brew, by
definition, means that water is added more aggressively than in other machines.
The faster shower head approach agitates the grounds in the flat basket,
helping to achieve an even extraction. Temperature, agitation, and time
requirements are met.
Happy brewing
Coffee shops, including the giant, use commercial coffee
machines routinely. They produce drip coffee that can be rich, full bodied, and
flavorful. The differences between a home coffee brewer (think Mr. Coffee,
Cuisinart, etc.) and the commercial brewers are mainly temperature, agitation,
and brew time. That means that a home coffee machine CAN produce good coffee,
but has to fix those problems. In fact, there are a few that fit that bill.

The Bunn Thermobrew works like its commercial big brothers
(one of which I also scored on Craigslist!). It has an internal
water tank that keeps one pot worth of water at approximately 200 degrees at
all times. When you pour fresh water into the top and close the lid, the fresh
water displaces the hot water into the filter. The truly hot water makes a huge
difference, extracting the flavors as well as a machine can.

Of course, a hand crafted cup of coffee is still the king, but
when you drink as much pour over coffee as I do, it is nice to have a little
help. This baby is made right here in the good ol’ U.S. of A., which is another
big plus in my book.
The Bunn Thermobrew is not perfect. The flat brew basket and
fast flow can produce a weak cup of coffee, but some tweaking of the grind size
and amount of coffee can overcome that. My only other complaint is that the
machine truly needs Bunn brand filter papers. They have taller walls, which you
need if you brew a full pot at the proper strength. Shorter walled filters,
like most you will find in the supermarket, can overflow and leave grinds in
your pot.
In case it was not clear, I am very excited to have scored
the Bunn Thermobrew, and will be starting many a morning 3-4 minutes after
coming downstairs.
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