Now to the cup of
coffee…The barista actually prepped me a little, which I greatly appreciated
(finally!). She told me that there would be an apple like acidity with mango
and hibiscus sweetness. I sat down and took a moment to enjoy the nutty aroma.
The taste was very interesting. The acidity was very much a sharp kind of sour
like a green apple (thank you barista, I would never have been able to put that
together on my own). I picked up a bit of herbal flavor, which I assume is the
hibiscus and chamomile flavors. The only thing that I would disagree with the
barista was the mango sweetness. I didn’t pick that up at all. I did pick up
something that reminded me of an orange colored fruit. I was thinking apricot,
but Four Barrel’s description puts guava in there (https://secure.fourbarrelcoffee.com/coffee/americas/bolvia-buena-vista.html).
As the cup cooled, it was very juicy and much more of the herbal flavors came
out. Personally, I liked this cup hot more than I did cool.
I strongly recommend this shop. It is tough to find and I’m
not sure about parking, but it would be a great place to hang out. Baristas
were knowledgeable and very friendly. A fantastic date would be a trip to the
art museum finished by a cup of coffee at Giant Coffee.
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